On a global television broadcast, Aku reprises his opening narration from the last four seasons, then announces he has captured Jack and his sword. Before Ashi can kill the samurai, many of Jack’s allies arrive and assault Aku and his fortress. After they free Jack, Aku overpowers them, and Ashi prevents him from recovering his sword. Jack finds Ashi’s true form inside her demonic body and frees her from Aku’s possession by telling her that he loves her. Ashi argues with Aku and discovers she possesses her father’s powers, using them to retrieve Jack’s sword and send herself and Jack back in time to the moment right after Aku first flung Jack into the future. Jack finally kills Aku, freeing his family and undoing Aku’s future. Jack and Ashi prepare to get married, but as Ashi walks the aisle, she suddenly collapses and fades away, informing Jack with her last breath that Aku’s demise invalidates her existence. Jack goes off alone to grieve, but finds closure as he watches a ladybug flying free in a dark forest. The sun shines overhead, revealing cherry blossom trees in bloom.